Archive for July, 2004

Mahogany Seating Apparatus

Adirondack Chair We wanted to outfit our front deck with some comfortable “sitting” chairs. We looked for awhile for something we both liked. I’m not a fan of the low deck chairs, or those el-cheapo white plastic “patio” chairs. Quite a few chairs have a sharp edge, or right-angle right underneath your knees when you’re sitting down. Not really a nice feeling when you sit for as long as I do, working.

So we found a place called Teak Wicker & More that had a set of Adirondack chairs in solid mahogany. Not only was it solid mahogany, but it was 5/4″ solid mahogany. Thick.

The company delayed the shipping week by week, and we thought we’d never get them, but two months after we ordered them, they arrived. They came in two smallish boxes, and went together very easily. It took me about 10 minutes per-chair to put them together.

The construction and craftsmanship was flawless. Every hole mated up with every bolt, and all of the screw holes were countersunk and pre-drilled (this mirrors the horror story we had to endure with the cradle and changing table for Seryn, where after 3 separate physical units were shipped to us, they still couldn’t get it right!).

Sitting in these chairs is SO comfortable, it is almost beyond words. The height of the arms is perfect, and the back is curved perfectly for the human back curvature. Every piece of wood is sanded, with no splinters, cracks, or rough edges at all.

Absolutely stunning and amazing. I can’t wait to sit out there and start working through the early morning hours and after-dark hours.

The Luck Never Ends

We decided to finally commit to buying a “real” grill, for our summer cookouts, instead of wishing we had one.

After much reading, we decided to get a Weber Genesis Silver B, from a local dealer. The purchase was flawless, and we got a few free items to boot (free propane fill, free Weber canvas grill cover, and free delivery.. that night). We decided to get one in a box, instead of taking the floor model (which was the only black one left). We ended up with a dark blue unit. I’m not partial, its a grill, after all, not a sports car.

Weber Genesis Silver B

After unboxing the unit and beginning the easy assembly, I noticed something odd..

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Baby Furniture 101

Is it really this hard to make a piece of baby furniture? Really.

We ordered a white “Aspen” changing table from WALMART, online, made by a company called “StorkCraft“. We received it in the normal shipping period. After opening the box, and realizing that the instructions to assemble it were “generic” across all of their model units, I put it together using logic instead. Everything went together fine, except the drawer.

StorkCraft Aspen Changing Table

I’ve worked in woodworking for years, and I know how a drawer is constructed. This drawer wasn’t drilled properly, and the front and back pieces were the same size! As anyone who has built furniture before knows, a drawer front is almost always wider than its back, so as not to show the mounting holes or side ends when closed.

The drawer was about 4″ too narrow for the space it should have occupied. We telephoned StorkCraft, and complained. I took about 8 digital pictures of the various “incorrect” pieces, how the holes were drilled wrong, and so on, and mailed it back to “Francis” at StorkCraft, as she requested, within 30 minutes of our call. She got the email right away, according to my mail logs.

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Never enough hours in the day

Time just slips right on past meHave you ever had one of those years, where you’re just so busy, you forget to eat, or sleep, or even go to the bathroom? I’ve been having 5 of those years in a row. I literally plod along and work, work, work.. until 12 hours later, I think to myself.. “Self, you forgot to eat breakfast!”, and now it’s dinnertime.

I am so incredibly busy now with work and work lining up for the summer season, that I’m completely losing track of time, as my days slip right through my fingers, and I don’t even realize it. With clients stacking up on my right, ongoing contracts stacking up on my left, and my own Free Software work and maintenance stacking up somewhere on the edges waiting to find a place to slip through, it is getting very difficult to manage everything all at once. I think I need a secretary. Seriously.

And now I have a daughter to tend to, watch her grow, and help her become the best she can be. Oh, and that house renovation to complete, my own health and hobbies to deal with, and somewhere in there, find a sliver of minutes or hours to spend some quality time with my wife.

Somehow, I always find a way to get everything done, on-time, and with enough sanity left to wake up fresh for the next day.

July 4th Brings out the Zombies

Road RageIt looks like there must be some sort of biological or cyclical phenomenon that brings out the idiots right around the holidays.

Why is it people insist on driving 90mph in a 65mph zone, then race up on the left or right of you, barely slip in-between you and the car in front of you, then jam on their brakes, because they’re going too damn fast!

They don’t want to rear-end the car in front of you, but they seem to think its OK if they force you to rear-end them instead. I’m going to start carrying a video camera in the car, and filming these cave-persons behind the wheel, just in case there’s an accident, I’ll have it all on tape.

I don’t quite understand the whole competitive edge behind getting one (1) car length ahead of where they were before. Is getting only one car further ahead really that important, so important that causing an accident is something they’re willing to do?

I’ve taken to seeing this coming, when they tailgate you, then try to pass you when a gap opens in the next-lane over. I just speed up, and box them in against the next car up in the next lane over, and they’re forced to slip in behind me again. I’ll do it again and again, and even slow down to 55mph as I creep past an 18-wheeler in the other lane, just to see their faces cramp up and sense their blood boiling behind me.

You want road rage, bring it on, miscreant. I’ll show you road rage.

10 New Toes in our family

We finally did it. We now have our first child. Her name is Seryn Makaela, and she is the most beautiful thing in the world. She is just over 48 hours old, and already doing well with feeding and changing and all things baby’esque.

She was born on July 2nd at 16:48. She came in at 3.97kg (8lb. 12oz.) and 52cm (20.5″) long. She and her mother are doing well; both healthy and happy.

Seryn Makaela enters the world

The delivery was amazingly fast, and relatively pain-free. I can guarantee that her digestive system is going to be working just fine. She’s already up to 4 solid waste diaper changes per day, and she’s not even on her third day out!

We’ll have pictures up soon…

Now to figure out how to integrate this new life into our own.

We’re parents now!

“Don’t Vote for Bush” (at 2:00am)

After spending 2 days at the hospital, caring for my wife and new daughter, I can’t take any more of the sleeping situation on their 5′ long vinyl couch in the post-delivery room. It is the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever tried to sleep on, so I decided to head home to sleep on a real bed, in my real house.. a 90-minute drive East.

After several hours of comatose sleep, I’m awaken by a phone call at 2:00am. The only thing that races through my mind is that there was some sort of complication and they needed me back at the hospital urgently.

Bush, thinking he's funny (again)

I pick up the phone, and it is a scratchy “fake” Spanish woman’s voice.

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