Another Good Idea Implemented Poorly (this time, from Case-Mate)

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 at 3:04 pm | 4,562 views | trackback url
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I’ve been looking around for a GOOD case for my BlackBerry Bold 9000 and 9700, and ran across a few that were pretty durable. I like the cases at Seidio and they’ve never done me wrong for my Palm OS devices, batteries and accessories.

Then I found… the Fuel and the (new) Fuel Lite, from Case-Mate. It looked like exactly what I was after to protect the BlackBerry and give it an extra little boost of battery life, with the integrated battery and charging circuit.

CaseMate Fuel for BlackBerry 9700CaseMate Fuel Lite for BlackBerry 9700

Do you see the big problem with these two cases? The screen faces out!!

If you put this on your belt, anything you brush up against, bang into or are hit by (other people walking by, carrying items in your arms, opening doors, anything), will bash directly into the screen.

I’ve got a ZAGG invisibleSHIELD screen protector on my Bold 9000 and 9700, but that’s just going to protect the screen from scratches; it will not protect the screen from being bashed into!

Case-Mate, come on! You can do better than that! Even the BestBuy Platinum Pt cases have a better design and a very solid clip. Face-in, protected, and secured by a strong binder and belt clip, why can’t your case have a similar design?

BlackBerry 9700 Platinum case

Even your older BlackBerry Bold 9000 Fuel case had this design. Why was it changed for the Bold II/9700?

CaseMate Fuel for the BlackBerry Bold 9000

Last Modified: Sunday, March 6th, 2016 @ 03:42

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