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Long time no diary, Bluefish and partners at it again

Tuesday, May 28th, 2002

GPL violators have tripled.. Bluefish, MercuryGuide, TechXNY The second letter went out to Bluefish last week, and they have been given 5 days to respond, which ends today. It also appears that MercuryGuide is now also using our application (Plucker) in “their” version (MovieMobile) without providing source, and they neglected to change our CreatorID, so […]

Bluefish vs. the GPL and Lanham Act

Friday, April 12th, 2002

The Bluefish Wireless vs. the GPL (and Lanham Act) Violation Case is proceeding very nicely. Our FSF-appointed attorney sent the initial letter to Bluefish Wireless today for their GPL violation of Plucker. She also is going to be pursuing them on violation(s) of the Lanham Act. This is good news. The letter was emailed to […]

Update: Microsoft Security, Bluefish Wireless, pilot-link and Relocating

Wednesday, February 6th, 2002

Update: Microsoft Security raph, I share the exact opposite view that you do, and I think that this could definately be a bad thing. I posted a quick comment on it a few days ago under that same Slashdot story you referenced in your recent diary entry. Open Directory Project softkid, your Open Directory Project […]

BluefishWireless Responds to Our Copyright Dispute With Them

Wednesday, February 6th, 2002

We have been “warned” by Bluefish not to contact their customers and ask for the sources for their version of an application based on our Plucker source code, covered under the GPL. The response from them was to advise us to: “…get legal advice from a US attorney before making any more statements to any […]

GPG + Legal Matters

Saturday, April 20th, 2002

It has come to my attention lately with all the “legal interludes” (Bluefish [1] [2] [3] [4], Ebay [1] [2] [3], Prodigy Movers [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]), that I’m knee-deep in, that I’m not using enough gpg in my email correspondence. Consider that oversight amended. Ebay Redux It looks like the same guy that […]

The Big Move™ II

Monday, February 4th, 2002

Well, it seems that 95% of my stuff was handled by the movers, the remaining 10 boxes had to be shipped via UPS. Very Expensive. I’m crashing at Rasmus‘ house during the few days of transition before I fly out to handle the relocation of my truck. 23 months ago, I made this move… in […]

Sleep is for Mortals

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2001

3:23 am, PST (or “Sleep is for Mortals”) I had this book awhile back called Wide Awake At 3 AM” by Richard Coleman, and it was about using a revolving wake period (add an hour each day, go to sleep an hour later) to increase the amount of time you stay awake. Supposed to be […]

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