Bluefish vs. the GPL and Lanham Act

Friday, April 12th, 2002 at 12:00 am | 6,504 views | trackback url

The Bluefish Wireless vs. the GPL (and Lanham Act) Violation Case is proceeding very nicely.

Our FSF-appointed attorney sent the initial letter to Bluefish Wireless today for their GPL violation of Plucker. She also is going to be pursuing them on violation(s) of the Lanham Act.

This is good news. The letter was emailed to James Fisher, CEO of Bluefish Wireless and sent via Federal Express

They have ten (10) days to respond.

So much going on lately. Need to find work, doing tons of code, more cross-country server relocations, fraudulent moving companies, and much more.

Last Modified: Friday, April 12th, 2002 @ 00:00

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