HOWTO: Remove the “Year in Review” Posts from your Facebook Wall

It’s annoying. It’s Facebook. We all learn to either love or hate it, but there are ways to make the annoying parts of it go away.

The most-recent annoyance is Facebook’s compulsion to add the “Year in Review” posts from people to your Facebook wall.

Thankfully I’ve never been asked to fill mine out, but I do see hundreds of these from other “Friends” of mine. It looks like this:

2014-12-26 Facebook - Year In Review

Here’s how to get rid of them:

  1. Log into Facebook and go to this page:

  2. Once you get there, you’ll see a section near the bottom labeled “Block Pages”. Put “YearInReview” into that form and hit Enter.

  3. If you’ve done it right, you should see something like this:

    2014-12-26 Facebook- Manage Blocking

That’s it, you’re done!

If you want to get rid of more Facebook garbage, ads and other annoyances, you can install the “Social Fixer” browser extension in your browser of choice. There are versions for Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Works great!

Quick tip for Users Hosting TurnKey Linux Images for Public Consumption

I host lots of internal infrastructure for friends, colleagues, the Open Source community, my LUG and others and much of the recent need I’ve seen has been with easy-to-contain images like those provided by the TurnKey Linux project.

These are very small, light, lean VMs and app containers you can deploy on your servers, baremetal, VHW or other environments such as Hyper-V, VMware, VirtualBox and more.

But they tend to advertise a bit too much inside each application they host, and for some people/clients, that’s not desirable. But there’s a quick and easy fix!

If your app, like Moodle for example, has a web interface, you’ll see a footer that advertises TurnKey Linux and will look like this:

2014-12-25 22_36_10-Moodle-TurnKey Linux

The easy way to remove this, is to SSH into your TurnKey Linux image (you did change that SSH port to something other than port 22, right?), and run the following commands:

$ sudo a2dismod substitute
Module substitute disabled.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  service apache2 restart
$ sudo service apache2 restart
[....] Restarting web server: apache2apache2: 
 ... waiting apache2: ok

Once you’ve disabled the “substitute” apache module with a2dismod and restarted, you should now see something that looks like this:

2014-12-25 22_42_18-Moodle-TurnKey Linux a2dismod

If you want to modify that footer so it refers to something unique to your group, team, organization or otherwise, just re-enable the module as follows:

$ sudo a2enmod substitute
Enabling module substitute.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  service apache2 restart

Now you’ll need to edit a small configuration file with a text editor before restarting Apache to make it visible. That file is “/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/substitute.conf”. Make your changes there, save and restart Apache as follows:

$ sudo service apache2 restart
[....] Restarting web server: apache2apache2: 
 ... waiting apache2: ok

That’s it, you’re done!

HOWTO: Quick 7-Zip Trick to Encrypt Your Files with Non-Interactive Mode

I have a lot of data that I archive away on a regular basis, both on my “PC” machines and my mobile devices OTA. I needed a secure, reproducible way to secure those data with a very strong, complex password using extremely tight compression.

Unfortunately, p7zip on Linux and 7-Zip for Windows don’t permit a non-interactive way to pass in a password. So I came up with a quick-and-dirty workaround!

  1. First, generate a complex password and put this in a file with one line. Make sure there are no leading or trailing characters in this file, including a trailing newline. There should be one and only one line in this file. Here’s are some examples of a password generated with the level of complexity you’ll want for secured archives (42 characters in length, 15 minutes of generated entropy from a hardware dongle):
  2. Now with that password in a file, run the following loop to compress the data and pass in the password inline.

    You’ll notice that on Windows, I use Cygwin here, because I can create scripts and retain previous commandline history to reproduce this on a regular basis.

    I’m also using lzma2 here because it gives me slightly tighter compression for minimally more CPU time to generate the archives.

    On Linux

    cat your-pw-file | for i in *.xml; do 7z u -t7z -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=64m -ms=on $i.7z $i -p --; done;

    On Windows (using Cygwin)

    cat your-pw-file | for i in *.xml; do do /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/7-Zip/7z.exe u -t7z -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=64m -ms=on $i.7z $i -p --; done;

  3. To verify that the files are properly encrypted and the right password works as expected, test as follows:

    On Linux

    cat your-pw-file | for i in *.7z; do 7z t $i -p --; done;

    On Windows (using Cygwin)

    cat your-pw-file | for i in *.7z; do do /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/7-Zip/7z.exe t $i -p --; done;

  4. Now you can delete that password file from disk. I can’t stress this enough. Once you’ve used the password, and secured it in a managed password container, you’ll want to delete all traces of it that you do not need in plain sight on disk.

That’s it. Now when you want to decompress those archives, you’ll need to supply the password you generated before. Make sure you keep this password secured in a managed location. A password is only as secure as your ability to manage it.

Good luck!

Updating Legacy Fedora Linux Distributions to Use Archive Repositories

Fedora LinuxI run a VMware ESXi server here that hosts ~500 separate VMs, clones, templates and test builds of operating systems for testing, development, personal playground and other roles.

Some of these VMs are older Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian and various other Linux distributions. Since those distributions are no longer active, maintained by the community, the update URLs to install packages have gone away, or been moved to new locations.

Here’s how to update and fix those older versions of Fedora Linux so you can continue to install packages on them, past their “community expiration” date. I’ll post another entry for the same work for Ubuntu and Debian as well.

In your /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory are a number of configuration files specific to yum and repositories. It’s contents may look something like this:

[root@fedora-fc4 / yum.repos.d]# ls -lart
total 72
drwxr-xr-x  116 root root 12288 Nov 23 22:57 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 root root   344 Nov 24 14:42 fedora-updates-testing.repo
-rw-r--r--    1 root root   336 Nov 24 14:42 fedora-updates.repo
-rw-r--r--    1 root root   305 Nov 24 14:42 fedora-extras.repo
-rw-r--r--    1 root root   319 Nov 24 14:42 fedora-extras-devel.repo
-rw-r--r--    1 root root  1130 Nov 24 14:42 fedora-devel.repo
-rw-r--r--    1 root root   300 Nov 24 14:43 fedora.repo
drwxr-xr-x    2 root root  4096 Nov 24 14:43 .

In the case of Fedora Linux, you’ll want to change each of these so they reflect the new archive site, vs. the original download site, which no longer resolves and does not exist.

The original URL looks like this:


You’ll want to edit that to point to the following new URL (highlighted in red below):


Once you make these edits to all of the repository files, you can run ‘yum update’ again and fetch all of the legacy update packages, install, remove and keep them as current as those distributions were at that time.

$ sudo yum install git-core
Setting up Install Process
Setting up repositories
updates-released          100% |=========================|  951 B    00:00
extras                    100% |=========================| 1.1 kB    00:00
base                      100% |=========================| 1.1 kB    00:00
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Downloading header for git-core to pack into transaction set.
git-core- 100% |=========================|  67 kB    00:00
---> Package git-core.x86_64 0: set to be updated
--> Running transaction check

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size
 git-core                x86_64    extras            2.9 M

Transaction Summary
Install      1 Package(s)
Update       0 Package(s)
Remove       0 Package(s)
Total download size: 2.9 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/1): git-core- 100% |=========================| 2.9 MB    00:05
warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 1ac70ce6
public key not available for git-core-
Retrieving GPG key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-extras
Importing GPG key 0x1AC70CE6 "Fedora Pre Extras Release "
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing: git-core                     ######################### [1/1]

Installed: git-core.x86_64 0:

Now it works. Good luck!

SOLVED: Fixing Perl Plug-ins for XChat Azure in OS X Mavericks 10.9

I’m a heavy user of IRC and have been since the late 90’s. I use X-Chat for IRC on almost all machines, including Mac and Windows, not just the Linux environment that it was created upon.

When I recently upgraded my OS X Lion (10.7.5) machine to OS X Mavericks (10.9), I started seeing a significant amount of core OS bugs. One of them affected how I use XChat to get to Freenode and other networks via SASL, SSL and Tor.

If you’re using XChat Azure 1.16.0 or the latest preview of 1.16.1, you’ll see the following errors when trying to load Perl plugins from Window -> Plugins and Scripts inside XChat:

Invalid Mac OS X bundle or required Mac OS X version is not satisfied

You’ll see this when you try to select the version of Perl showing in the Plugins window. The Python plugin works fine, just not Perl.

Here’s the quick-and-dirty fix, until the XChat Azure team can come out with a Mavericks-compatible release that uses the latest Perl:

Change to the XChat Azure PlugIns directory:

cd /Applications/XChat

Duplicate the contents of the perl-lion Perl bundle into one for Mavericks

sudo rsync -avP perl-lion.bundle/. perl-mavericks.bundle

Update the Info.plist file to match the versioning:

sudo defaults write ./perl-mavericks.bundle/Contents/Info XChatAquaMacOSVersionBranch 10.9

There’s one last step I found when I ran that last command to update Info.plist, and that is that you have to hand-modify the version in the .plist file to match OS X Mavericks 10.9 versioning:

sudo vi perl-mavericks.bundle/Contents/Info.plist

Down near the bottom of the file, change the string value of XChatAquaMacOSVersionBranch from 10.6 to 10.9, like this:


Now if you go quit and restart XChat Azure, go to Window -> Plugins and select your Perl interpreter (the one with 10.9), it will work, and you’ll see your plugins loaded as expected:

[16:27]   Python interface loaded
[16:27]   Perl interface loaded
[16:27]   SASL: auth loaded from /Users/$USER/Library/Containers/org.3rddev.xchatazure/Data/Library/Application Support/XChat Azure/sasl.auth

I wrote some HOWTO documents describing how to configure Tor + SASL + SSL to connect to IRC, you can find them here:

That’s it! Good luck and happy IRC’ing!

How Many Java Versions is Enough for Mavericks, Apple?

Apple OSX Mavericks logoA lot of software outright fails to work on Apple OS X Mavericks.

It’s a disaster. Almost nothing works right.

Not only is the entire OS noticeably slower, by several orders of magnitude over the previous Lion (10.7.5) was running until a few days ago on my 11″ MacBook Air, but there are dozens and dozens of glaringly-obvious bugs that make me want to go back to my Linux laptop full-time.

Here are some obvious ones:

  • The trackpad randomly disables two-finger scrolling and the only way to get it back is to either log out and back in, or restart the machine entirely.
  • The direction of the trackpad scrolling was reversed after the upgrade. Dragging fingers down, used to pull the page down, now it pulls the page up. You can flip the toggle to reverse it, but why was it changed at all from the default?
  • The audio up/down buttons are about 1-2 seconds behind the actual button press, which is a bit disjointed when you’re trying to determine how far down or up to change the volume for a video or song.
  • USB Ethernet used to work plug-and-play, but now if your OS X machine is booted and you connect a USB Ethernet dongle, it will not be recognized, until you reboot the machine with the dongle plugged in. Every time. This feels like Windows to me. I never had to do this with Lion previously.
  • There’s a cut-off/echo with the voices in OS X Mavericks. When I have the clock set to announce the time every 15 minutes, instead of “It’s three-fifteen” or “It’s eleven o’clock”, I hear “…ee fifteen” or “…ven o’clock”, the first 1-2 syllables are completely missing, cut off.

There are dozens more that I’ve tripped on (and reported), but they still hamper productive use of the machine.

I also run several apps that depend on Java, including XCode, XMind, The Hit List and others. Most of these just flat-out fail to function. I was so frustrated at the amateurish quality of this major “greatest ever” OS update, that I started investigating myself.

Apple, a plea… how many Java versions, incorrect, non-current Java versions is enough? On this upgraded version of OS X (Lion -> Mavericks), I count 6+ distinct installs!

# OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-internal-root_2012_07_25_17_59-b00)

# Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java

# Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_04-b21)

# Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_04-b21)

# Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_04-b21)

# Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-462-11M4609)


The only one that is clean and current, is the one I installed:

# "./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java" -version
java version "1.7.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)

Of course, you don’t use it anywhere, no apps are referring to it, and instead you refer to the other versions which crash, break or fail to correctly launch any applications that use these Java interpreters.

Please, don’t tout your OS as being the “greatest work ever”, while providing a slow, buggy, de-evolved experience from the previous versions.

Fix it, or allow us to roll back to the previous version of the OS, which did work.

UPDATE: After much testing, I determined that the short-term “solution” was to rm the symlink to ‘java’ in ‘/usr/bin/’ and point it to the version of Java I installed from Oracle, as follows:

$ sudo ls -l /usr/bin/java
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  74 Oct 27 15:55 /usr/bin/java -> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java
$ sudo rm /usr/bin/java
$ sudo ln -s /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java /usr/bin/java

After doing this, my Java-based OS X apps started working as expected. This is not a fix, it’s a temporary hack and workaround, but it gets me back up and running on apps that were crashing and failing before.

Apple, please fix this.

SOLVED: Remove annoying duplicate users in your WordPress blog

WordPress logoThis happens quite a bit, and I’m surprised the default WordPress install doesn’t have this fixed, but here’s a fix for cleaning up the duplicate users that will end up in your _users table in WordPress.

In my multi-site installation, that table is called ‘wpmu_users’. If you didn’t change the defaults for your site, it’s probably called ‘wp_users’.

Change this accordingly below for your site and table name.

# Create a temporary table and populate it with the unique users
# from the original wpmu_users table
CREATE TABLE wpmu_users_X AS 
       SELECT * FROM wpmu_users WHERE 1 GROUP BY user_login;

# Drop the original table that contains the duplicate users
DROP TABLE wpmu_users; 

# Rename the temporary table to the original table name. This
# effectively 'moves' the temporary table to the original table
# name
RENAME TABLE wpmu_users_X TO wpmu_users; 

# Alter the table attributes to set 'user_login' as a unique key
# so attempts to create a username that already exists will be
# denied
ALTER IGNORE TABLE wpmu_users ADD UNIQUE (user_login); 

Here’s what that looked like at the end of the process:

mysql> ALTER IGNORE TABLE wpmu_users ADD UNIQUE (user_login);
Query OK, 157348 rows affected (0.55 sec)
Records: 157348  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

If you want to identify and kill off inactive users, spammers and such, look into the Inactive User Deleter plugin. I’ve used this with great success on my own blog, and it works great to kill off spam users that manage to sneak past the registration mechanisms, but post nothing.

That’s it, you’re done!

SOLVED: Enabling transparent desktop icons on XFCE desktop

Xfce logoAnother quick and dirty XFCE desktop hack, this one to add transparent icon backgrounds to your desktop icons.

If you’re tired of looking at ugly icon label backgrounds, and really want transparent backgrounds, the fix is simple!

Xfce4 transparent desktop icons Xfce4 transparent desktop icons

Here’s the code:

style "xfdesktop-icon-view" {
  ## opacity of text background (0 - 255, 0 = transparent)
  XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 0
  XfdesktopIconView::selected-label-alpha = 100
  ## text background colors
  base[NORMAL]    = "#edeceb"
  base[ACTIVE]    = shade (0.8, "#86abd9")
  base[SELECTED]  = "#86abd9"
  ## text foreground colors
  fg[NORMAL]      = shade (0.9, "#ffffff")
  fg[ACTIVE]      = shade (0.8, "#ffffff")
  fg[SELECTED]    = "#ffffff"
widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view"

Just add this snippet to your “~/.gtkrc-2.0” file, kill xfdesktop (or log out and back in), and you’re all set!

HOWTO: Fix the broken “Open Terminal Here” menu icon in XFCE

Xfce logo
If you’re using XFCE, specifically version 4, you’ve probably seen this issue come up a few times. It looks like this:

Xfce4 missing icons

The fix is pretty simple and straightforward. Here’s how:

  1. Go up to your “Applications Menu” and choose “File Manager”. This will launch your configured, default file manager (most-likely Thunar, unless you’ve changed something).

    Launch Xfce4 file manager

  2. Choose “Configure Custom Actions” from the “Edit” menu, as shown here:

    Configure custom actions in Xfce4

  3. Now select the “Open Terminal Here” option, and click the “Edit” button (looks like a little pencil and paper)

    Edit open terminal here in Xfce4

  4. Now you’ll see a screen where you can change/edit your custom action’s metadata, including its display icon. Click the broken icon image to change it to something reasonable.

    Change custom action icon in Xfce4

  5. Once you choose an icon, click “Ok” to save it. I chose something that looked like a terminal session icon. You can choose whatever you wish that fits your needs. Once you save it, you’ll see it show up in the metadata screen like this:

    Change custom action icon in Xfce4

  6. Now you can click “Ok”, and “Close” on the previous dialog box to save the changes you’ve made.

    But wait! The icon hasn’t changed yet! You’re probably still seeing a broken icon on the menu. There’s one more thing you need to do…

  7. To refresh those cached-in-memory icons, you have to either log out and back in, or.. kill the desktop. I prefer the latter, so simply open a terminal, and run the following command:
    $ killall xfdesktop

    That’s it. Now if you right-click, you’ll see your shiny new icon show up on the menu, no more broken icon!

    Fixed missing icon in Xfce4

Hopefully that helps!

HOWTO: Create a Warrant Canary, or NSL Dead Man’s Switch

Warrant Canary

Thanks Slashdot for carrying your users over to my blog this morning!

The rsync team has been doing this for quite awhile, and I had an idea. Why not share this more broadly?

So I created a quick little script to generate my own “warrant canary”. Instructions follow below.

Note: Based on the direct emails from Slashdot users, I’ll update this post with more information in the coming days/weeks to keep this current.


use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;   # Fetch the remote feed via HTTP
use XML::RSS;      # Parse the RSS feed into tree and DOM elements
use HTML::Strip;   # Clean up bad tags, HTML, CDATA in RSS feeds
use File::Slurp;   # Easily read/write files to the filesystem
use Crypt::GPG;    # Call out to gpg for signing the canary

# Pick an RSS news source that is current, updated, and neutral if possible:
my $url           = "";
# my $url         = '';

binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");

my $hs            = HTML::Strip->new();
my $gpg           = new Crypt::GPG;
my @newscanary = '';

my $rss           = XML::RSS->new();
my $data          = get($url);

my $channel       = $rss->{channel};

foreach my $item (@{ $rss->{items}}) {
	my $title = $item->{title};
	my $date  = $item->{pubDate};
	my $desc  = $hs->parse($item->{description});

	# Word wrap the output at 70 characters
	$desc =~ s/(.{70}[^\s]*)\s+/$1\n/xg;

	push @newscanary, "$title\n$date\n" . "-"x70 . "\n$desc\n\n\n";

write_file('canary.txt', @newscanary) ;

my $boilerplate = read_file('boilerplate.txt', {binmode => ':raw'});
my $newscanary = read_file('canary.txt', {binmode => ':raw'});

print $boilerplate, $newscanary;


Now you create a file called ‘boilerplate.txt’, which includes the header you want to show up at the top of your canary, such as this example (nicked and modified from the rsync canary):

Existing and proposed laws, especially as relate to the US Patriot Act,
etc., provide for secret warrants, searches and seizures of data, such as
library records.

Some such laws provide for criminal penalties for revealing the warrant,
search or seizure, disallowing the disclosure of events that would
materially affect the users of a service such as those provided by
YOUR_COMPANY and subsidiary domains and services.

YOUR_COMPANY and its principals and employees will in fact comply with
such warrants and their provisions for secrecy as legally prescribed by US

YOUR_COMPANY will also make available, hourly, a "warrant canary" in
the form of a cryptographically signed message containing the following:

	- a declaration that, up to that point, no warrants have been
	  served, nor have any searches or seizures taken place

	- a cut and paste headline from a major news source, establishing

Special note should be taken if these messages ever cease being updated, or
are removed from this page.
The current message is here:

I’ll leave it as an exercise to the reader how to sign the output of that with GNU Privacy Guard (hint: gpg –clearsign), and how to protect that key and copy the completed canary.txt over to your webserver (hint: use rsync).

Set that up in an hourly cron job, and you should be all set.

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