The Ramblings of SEO and SEO 2.0

Thursday, October 25th, 2007 at 6:56 pm | 1,707 views | trackback url

SEO, Search Engine OptimizationThere’s a lot of fraud happening on the Internet. Everyone already knows this.

But there’s a rising frequency of people advertising themselves as “experts” in the field of SEO, or “Search Engine Optimization“, who are there for no other purpose than to confuse, mislead and trick people into handing over their cash for the hope of having their websites show up higher in the Google rankings.

I’ve had cold-calls at the office number here, from people advertising that they can bring my website up in the rankings. Mind you, the websites I run are already PR6 and PR7 (PR is an SEO acronym for Page Rank). Bringing these websites up from their current ranking, would be VERY difficult for anyone to do. CNN’s website for example, is a PR9 website, and it would take a lot of work to get my sites up another notch or two to PR9.

But there are some true experts out here among the masses. And there are a lot of tools out there that are pretty useful. One of the tools I’ve been using for a couple of years to help my own website development, is the “Auto Keyword Generator” written by Chris Green at WebCreationz.

The tool is hosted in England, and from my location, it got to be a bit slower than I would have preferred. No fault of Chris or anything else, just distance and latency.

So I decided to rewrite it, and add some additional features. I’ve called it the “SEO Auto Keyword Generator“, and after using it to help a few new websites I’ve launched over the last week (with over 1,000 separate, high-quality articles of content, each with their own keyword matrix), I decided it was time to let others use it as well.

Everyone can do SEO, its not magical or voodoo.

The next step, which will be the hardest for most of these fraudsters to accept, is that SEO 2.0, the next wave of SEO, has absolutely nothing to do with keywords, MFA sites, stuffing content, autoblogging, or any of the other garbage whitehat and blackhat tricks they use to try to trick people into clicking on their ads or buying the sham products they’re selling.

“Definition of MFA: Made-for-advertising page. A broad class of generated webpages whose real purpose is to draw visitor traffic in the hopes people will click on the banner and link ads from Yahoo!, Google, or whomever else they partner with. MFA sites rarely have unique, original content, and exist solely to duplicate other content with the intent to make money on other people’s work.”

SEO 2.0 is about the content, about the quality, and about keeping users interested in reading it, and coming back for more.

If you know how to write original, quality content, market and promote it properly, your site will do fine… and that’s what it is all about. My PR6 and PR7 sites have been around for 7 years, with ZERO promotion or “traditional” SEO done to them, and they do fine. One of them has over 11,000 unique, organic backlinks.

It’s all about the content. The quality. Stick with that, and you’ll do fine.

Last Modified: Thursday, December 10th, 2020 @ 15:37

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