Removing and Editing Windows “network” Passwords

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 at 6:01 pm | 4,176 views | trackback url
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My work machine constantly locks me out of my two corporate accounts there, depending on which resource or website I’m accessing while connected via the VPN.

When I access the parent company’s web infrastructure, my ML corporate ID is locked out. When I access some of the ML sites and resources, my BAC corporate ID is locked out. I must unlock my account 5-6 times a day, every day.

It’s frustrating, and kills my productivity. It happens so often, I added a speed-dial entry to my phone to call the Help Desk and navigate through the automated phone menu to unlock my account without human intervention. I needed to find a better way!

Digging around in the Windows developer documentation, I found it, and just in the nick of time…

Click on Start -> Run and enter the following:

rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr

You’ll see a dialog similar to the following where you can add/remove/edit those stored passwords. Change them here, and you should be able to control those cached authentication tokens:

Windows Stored Network Passwords

Once I found this little secret buried in the Microsoft documentation and started managing my passwords here, my account was no longer being locked up/locked out.

Problem solved!

Last Modified: Sunday, March 6th, 2016 @ 03:05

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