Projects, tech toys and Kerry Lauder in Berkeley

Monday, August 20th, 2001 at 12:00 am | 1,449 views | trackback url

kgb: What company was this for? I’m curious, because I used to work for the largest pharmeceutical company in the world and they were quite restrictive as well, though in very different scary ways. A black marker and highlighter came in handy for me at the time.

My girlfriend is looking to move to the Bay Area and secure employment with a biotech here, but hearing this, I’m going to have to audit their paperwork before she signs anything. I’d rather have her unemployed, then intruded upon like this. Hit me in private email if you don’t want to share publically who it was.


  1. One major project hurdle over, now to begin re-inventing it
  2. Plucker is getting a web infusion (bring it on, TechTV)
  3. Plucker Bookmark Assistant is getting updated
  4. pilot-link is
    getting USB support (and a wash and a wax)


    Picked up a Que Fire! external firewire CDRW drive. Nice unit. Does 16x10x40x. Comes with an ultracool carrying case to hold all the wires and goodies. Extremely fast ripper and burner. Mmmm. I also picked up a swack of 25 high-quality CDRWs and 50 mini 185meg CDRs.

    Bought my girlfriend a Samsung Yepp YP-NDU64 MP3 Player. Nice unit. Comes with a wired remote, 64 megs onboard (SmartMedia-expandable to 128, I slapped in a 32meg card I was misshipped from a vendor awhile back), FM tuner, and a bunch of other goodies. Really not a bad deal. Doesn’t do OGG, so I’m still converting stuff over for her, but the OS is in firmware, so it’s only a matter of time, I

    My Thinkpad 560E is finally dead. A little mishap while it was “on loan” resulted in a cup of diet 7-UP being spilled directly on the keyboard. System board failure. Luckily the drive was ok though. Time to hit ebay and pick up a couple more Thinkpad

    Picked up Cast Away on DVD for the portable player. Good movie. I saw it in the theaters, but it’s definately one for the personal collection.

Once a month…

    She’s returned again, only to be back again next month. The traveling is exhausting. Time to pick both of us up and transport us to another continent for a couple of weeks. Unwind, recharge, rejuvinate.

Kerry in Berkeley

    Went to see my friend Kerry last night at Blakes in Berkeley. Short set, but it was ok. Lots of pain left in her life, apparently. Not sure if I got the whole story last night about “changes” in her life. She did a good cover of Joleen by Dolly Parton. She played some other good songs from their new album too. They’re going through bassists like water though.

Linuxworld is coming. I’m sure everyone is preparing. It’s going to be an interesting year this year, with a lot of the major players of years past pulling out. We’ve all been kicked around this year, and when we fell, we were kicked around again. I’m out of breath with all these beatings.

Lots of work left to do.

Last Modified: Monday, August 20th, 2001 @ 00:00

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