Prodigy Moving and Storage Destroyed My Stuff

Wednesday, February 27th, 2002 at 12:00 am | 1,376 views | trackback url


I decided to clean up the “office” today and connect my LAN back together. It was successfully boxed up in California, and relocated to my new home in Westerly, RI by the movers. I had separately bagged, tagged, and labeled every single cable, power adapter, and dongle/adapter to make sure I knew where it all went when I re-assembled it.


I am incredibly angry. Not only did they destroy over $6,000.00/USD of my possessions, causing my “office” to become a pile of cardboard boxes, but they’re ignoring my requests for information, which have now become demands for answers.

Now I have no LAN, no network, and a pile of machines gathering dust in the corner with data I need to access on them.

Stay away from this company if you can.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 27th, 2002 @ 00:00

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