Converting FLOSS Manuals to Plucker format

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I stumbled across a site called “FLOSS Manuals” recently, and thought that it would be a great place to create some new Plucker documents for our users, and distribute them. I’ve create hundreds of other Plucker documents for users in years past, so this was a natural progression of that.

You can (and should!) read all about their mission and see what they’re up to. Credit goes to Adam Hyde (the founder), Lotte Meijer (for the design), Aleksandar Erkalovic (developer) and “Mr Snow” for keeping the servers running, among many other contributors.

The FLOSS Manuals Foundation (Stichting FLOSS Manuals) creates free, open source documentation for free, open source software. FLOSS Manuals is a community of free documentation writers that publish free manuals about free software across multiple languages.

Free software can be freely run, studied, redistributed and improved without the restrictive and often expensive licensing systems attached to commercial proprietary software. Developers can adapt free software to their own needs, and can contribute to its ongoing communal development. FLOSS Manuals specifically document software that is free in this development sense and also in price. Free software projects are developed using established methodologies and tools, and sites like Savannah and Sourceforge support established social production models for developing free software. FLOSS Manuals provides the methodologies, tools, and social production models for developing documentation of free software.

By supporting quality, user-friendly documentation of Free, Libre, Open Source Software, FLOSS Manuals aims to encourage the use of this software, to support the technical and social revolution it enables.

If you want to support their cause (and I strongly recommend you do), you can visit their bookstore directly. (Note: I get absolutely nothing for hosting a link to their bookstore here; no affiliate links or commisions whatsoever).

When I quickly Googled around, I found someone was already doing exactly that, albeit in a one-off shell script.

I decided to take his work and build upon it, making it self-healing, and created what I call the “Plucker FLOSS Manuals Autobuilder v1.0” :)

This is all in Perl, clean, and is self-healing. When FLOSS Manuals updates their site with more content, this script will continue to be able to download, convert and build that new content for you… no twiddling necessary.

The code is well-commented, and should be clear and concise enough for you to be able to use it straight away.

Have fun!

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::SimpleLinkExtor;

my $flossurl    = '';
my $ua          = 'Plucker FLOSS Manuals Autobuilder v1.0 []';
my $top_extor   = HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->new();

# fetch the top-level page and extract the child pages
$top_extor->parse_url($flossurl, $ua);
my @links       = grep(m:^/:, $top_extor->a);
pop @links;     # get rid of '/news' item from @links; fragile

# Get the print-only page of each child page
get_printpages($flossurl . $_) for @links;

# Get the pages themselves, and return their content to the caller
sub get_content {
        my $url = shift;

        my $ua          = 'Mozilla/5.0 (en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030514';
        my $browser     = LWP::UserAgent->new();
        my $response    = $browser->get($url);
        my $decoded     = $response->decoded_content;
        # This was necessary, because of a bug in ::SimpleLinkExtor,
        # otherwise this code would be 10 lines shorter. Sigh.
        if ($response->is_success) {
                return $decoded;

# Fetch the print links from the child pages snarfed from the top-level page
sub get_printpages {
        my $page = shift;

        my $sub_extor   = HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->new();

        # Single out only the /print links on each sub-page
        my @printlinks  = grep(m:^/.*/print$:, $sub_extor->a);

        my $url         = $flossurl . $printlinks[0];
        (my $title      = $printlinks[0]) =~ s,\/(\w+)\/print,$1,;

        # Build it with Plucker
        print "Building $title from $url\n";
        plucker_build($url, $title);

# Build the content with Plucker, using a "safe" system() call in list-mode
sub plucker_build {
        my ($url, $title) = @_;

        my $workpath            = "/tmp/";
        my $pl_url              = $url;
        my $pl_bpp              = "8";   
        my $pl_compression      = "zlib";
        my $pl_title            = $title;
        my $pl_copyprevention   = "0";
        my $pl_no_url_info      = "0";
        my $pdb                 = $title;

        my $systemcmd   = "/usr/bin/plucker-build";

        my @systemargs  = (
                        '-p', $workpath, 
                        '-P', $workpath,
                        '-H', $pl_url,
                        $pl_bpp ? "--bpp=$pl_bpp" : (),
                        ($pl_compression ? "--${pl_compression}-compression" : ''),
                        '-N', $pl_title,
                        $pl_copyprevention ? $pl_copyprevention : (),
                        $pl_no_url_info ? $pl_no_url_info : (),
                           '-f', "$pdb");

        system($systemcmd, @systemargs);

Hey, you got your TVs in my Internets


A top Republican Internet strategist who was set to testify in a case alleging election tampering in 2004 in Ohio has died in a plane crash. Michael Connell was the chief IT consultant to Karl Rove and created websites for the Bush and McCain electoral campaigns.

Consultant Mike Connell Mike Connell crash site Karl Rove and George W. Bush

When rescue attempted to gain information about the accident, so they could determine what equipment to bring, they were told that information was “locked-out“:

Captain Geisner expressed considerable frustration during several Raw Story interviews over what he alleges was the withholding of critical details by authorities.

“While en route to the fire, I asked dispatch to learn the size of the plane and the number of souls on board,” Geisner explained. “This was not provided us.”

Such details allow fire department officials to determine whether additional equipment is needed and if a wider search and rescue is required. Within fifteen minutes of the crash, after officials from Akron-Canton Airport had arrived on the scene, Geisner again sought to confirm the number of passengers.

“After calls were made I was told that the ATC [Air Traffic Control] was ‘all in lockdown,’ and that they said ‘we can’t release that information,'” Geisner said.

Todd Laps, Fire Chief of the Akron-Canton airport fire department and a liaison to the Transportation Security Administration and the Air Traffic Control, echoed Geisner’s account.

“I had some phone calls placed to see if I could get that number [of people on board]. It didn’t come in a timely enough fashion,” Laps said.

But Laps says that the words “lock down” were not used. When asked to clarify his earlier comments, Gaisner insisted that the words “lock down” had been used in reference to information.

“That info was not available,” Gaisner said. “It was secured — not given out — locked down.”

Michael also set up the official Ohio State Election website reporting the 2004 Presidential Election returns. Connell was reportedly an experiences pilot. He died instantly on December 19, 2008 when his private plane crashed in a residential neighborhood near Akron, Ohio.

Connell’s track record makes it clear why he was viewed as a liability in some circles.

Ohio Republican Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell hired Connell in 2004 to create a real-time computer data compilation for counting Ohio’s votes. Under Connell’s supervision, Ohio’s presidential vote count was transmitted to private, partisan computer servers owned by SmartTech housed in the basement of the Old Pioneer Bank building in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Connell’s company, New Media Communications worked closely with SmartTech in building Republican and right-wing websites that were hosted on SmartTech servers. Among Connell’s clients were the Republican National Committee, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and The SmartTech servers at one point housed Karl Rove’s emails. Some of Rove’s email files have since mysteriously disappeared despite repeated court-sanctioned attempts to review them.

At 12:20 am on the night of the 2004 election exit polls and initial vote counts showed John Kerry the clear winner of Ohio’s presidential campaign. The Buckeye State’s 20 electoral votes would have given Kerry the presidency.

But from then until around 2am, the flow of information mysteriously ceased. After that, the vote count shifted dramatically to George W. Bush, ultimately giving him a second term. In the end there was a 6.7 percent diversion—in Bush’s favor—between highly professional, nationally funded exit polls and the final official vote count as tabulated by Blackwell and Connell. [source]

Watch this video, filled with pieces from Stephen Spoonamore, Cliff Arnebeck and others describing exactly what they believe happened here:

Michael Connell was deposed 1 day before the election this year by attorneys Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis about his actions during the 2004 vote count and his access to Karl Rove’s email files and how they “went missing”.

Attorney Cliff Aenebeck

Bob Fitrakis, co-author of "Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election?" at the Election Protection Forum;Ohio Green Party candidate

Bob Fitrakis, co-author of “Did George W. Bush Steal America’s 2004 Election?” at the Election Protection Forum;Ohio Green Party candidate

Velvet Revolution reported that Michael Connell was afraid that Bush and rove would “throw him under the bus” if he was to expose what he knew or covered up.

Some pretty shocking news is coming out about the crash, much of it seems… eerily familiar.

“Under different political circumstances it might be possible to dismiss the Eveleth crash as a tragic accident whose causes, even if they cannot be precisely determined, lie in the sphere of aircraft engineering and weather phenomena. But the death of Paul Wellstone takes place under conditions in which far too many strange things are happening in America.

Wellstone’s death comes almost two years to the day after a similar plane crash killed another Democratic Senate hopeful locked in a tight election contest, Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan, on October 16, 2000. The American media duly noted the “eerie coincidence,” as though it was a statistical oddity, rather than suggesting a pattern.” [source]

An interesting anecdote about the Wellstone plane crash was that FBI agents arrived on the scene within an hour of first-responders reaching the site. This would be impossible, given the remote location of the crash, unless they left to head to the crash site, just as Wellstone’s plane was leaving the runway to take off for the flight.

We apparently have a fascination in this country by engineering cover-ups around aircraft, it seems, by this “crime family masquerading as a political party”.

This follows shortly before members of the White House were ordered to search employee computers for missing e-mails.

“A federal court ordered on Wednesday all employees working in the Bush White House to surrender media that might contain e-mails sent or received during a two and a half year period in hope of locating missing messages before President-elect Barack Obama takes over next week.”

Not only were emails missing, but 700 days of emails went missing. That’s not just a mistake, that is intentional. That is almost TWO FULL YEARS of emails and backups that just up and vanished?

If your primary job is a System Administrator or Mail Administrator, missing a tape or two happens, forgetting to schedule a weekend backup happens… but forgetting to back up mail for two full years? No. That’s not a mistake, that’s a cover-up.

The Presidential Records Act of 1978 specifically holds the President responsible for this.

“Places the responsibility for the custody and management of incumbent Presidential records with the President.”

So when are we going to start holding these United States Citizens personally responsible for the crimes they’ve committed against the best interests of this country?

2008, the best year in decades

2008 has been one of the best years ever… in so many ways. So much has changed and changed me, to push me further and faster forward. I don’t think I’ve felt this good, this motivated or this happy about where I am in at least 20 years.

  • I’ve finally released myself from the shackles of my marriage after spending 3 years and ~$40k slogging it through the courts to keep my daughter in my life. I was with my girlfriend-then-wife for 8 years, and realized over time that she wasn’t the person I married. I also refuse to tolerate adultery in my marriage, so I ended it. Being single and alone for over 3 years is tough, but not a permanent problem.
  • I’ve created a bond with my daughter that transcends words and sign language. She’s coming into her own and is learning some new abilities to “talk” and “listen” without using words or traditional language as we know it. She’s a beautiful, amazing little girl with an eye-opening list of skills and abilities, even at her tender age. Sure, life as a single father is difficult and challenging, but I’ll sacrifice whatever I need to, for her to grow up happy, healthy and reaching any goal she wants for herself.
  • I’ve met some interesting and amazing people this year, some of which who have shown me facets of myself that long lay dormant, atrophied or discarded as unreachable anymore. The good, bad and ugly were all on display this year. Michele, Marci, Jennifer, Valerie, Lilibeth, Amy, Allena, Rachel, Pat & Lisa, Casey and the rest of the Edwards family and many others; you all know who you are, and in some small and large ways, you’ve made a permanent impact on my life. The genie is out of the bottle, and isn’t going back in.
  • I work with a great group of people in Manhattan, doing some really cool things with technology and environments that I’ve worked with and supported for 15+ years. I wouldn’t give this up for the world at any price. I truly love what I do. I do what I do for free, I just collect a salary to pay for all of the things I don’t necessarily like doing. Ed, Phil, Dennis and others; let’s hope the fun can continue through 2009 as it did in 2008.
  • After 16 years of searching inside my head for the lost memories from the first 20 years of my life, I’ve recovered what I believe to be more than half of them, all in the last 10 months or less. Remembering “other people’s” memories is a bit disconcerting, but it’s all part of the process. There’s plenty more work to be done, but after believing that bad car accident in 1992 permanently robbed me of those memories, I now know I can get back those years and begin recovering who I was, and what made me who I am today. Not only have those memories come flooding back, but I’m also able to retain thousands of bits of information at what seems to be a geometric rate, bordering on eidetic. It’s like my brain went from knowing nothing, to limitlessly absorbing everything.

There’s a lot more work to do in 2009 and years beyond, but I have no doubt I’ll be able to step up to any challenge that life throws at me. I’ve survived horrible accidents, sadness, strife and plight in all manner of ways, and I’ve always come through on top, always looking ahead, never behind.

I feel as if a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders and the metaphorical “smog” I was breathing, impeding my oxygen flow is now gone. I can stand tall, inhale clean, fresh air and move forward again.

I’m coming out of a 16-year coma and I’m just waking up.

Yak-shaving with my Music and Media collection

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Gold iPod Shuffle
This particular bit of yak-shaving all started because one of the Amtrak LSA staff asked me if I could write a tool to print out his MP3 collection by Artist, Album and/or Year. This LSA (Lead Service Attendant; they manage the café car) works as a DJ in his off-hours, doing various gigs for weddings and other parties.

So I took 15 minutes while traveling to the office to whip up something in Perl that did just that, and dumped it to a plain text file which I could then reformat in and then export as a pretty PDF he could print and hole-punch into his DJ binder. Problem solved, and he was impressed that it only took 15 minutes to cook that up.

And that’s when it started. The yak-shaving.

“yak shaving is what you are doing when you’re doing some stupid, fiddly little task that bears no obvious relationship to what you’re supposed to be working on, but yet a chain of twelve causal relations links what you’re doing to the original meta-task.”

Here’s how it began:

While building that list of Artist/Album/Title/Year, I realized that some of my mp3 files were missing some pieces of information. Some had the years missing, some had the genre mixed up, some were missing the data altogether.

So I went in and started fixing that.

Then I realized that the album art I was storing as “folder.jpg” was missing in some directories, and each time I rebuild my music library via amaoK or iTunes or anything else, I have to go re-fetch those missing album covers from Amazon or other online places.

So I went in and started fixing that too.

To do that, I had to use a Windows tool called Tag Tuner. I’m not a Windows person by any means, but there really is nothing as slick as TagTuner in Linux (yet?). There is kid3, but it lacks some pretty powerful features (but adds its own, like the ability to remove headers from the mp3 files).

I started adding in all of the missing cover art, storing the album art as an actual image file within the APIC field of the ID3v2 MP3 header. Some of the album art required that I scan in the actual covers from the CDs I have that aren’t available anymore, or aren’t online. Some of it was Google’d up, and others were found in other places on the ‘net.

It was (and still is) an enormous task to make sure every piece of the mp3 metadata is correct, album art is intact (including bootlegs, bonus albums, NFR [not for resale] albums and others).

Then I decided to try to “enhance” the Perl script I wrote, by slapping a web front-end on it, so I could sort by Artist, Album, Year, Genre and so on, and export that to a nicely-formatted PDF file for “Shaggy” (the Amtrak LSA/DJ) or myself.

I started down the path of looking into the Apache::MP3 Perl module on CPAN, which looked promising. When I Google’d up some example code, I saw a reference in an obscure Ubuntu forum post that mentioned using an Apache2 module called mod_musicindex, which supersedes Apache::MP3.

I installed and configured that, and found that there were some discrepancies in the configuration, and that some of the values in the default stanzas indicated in several web references on setting up mod_musicindex all pointed to. They were all incorrect. Here’s what was suggested:

Alias /music/ "/Media/Music/mp3/"
<Directory "/Media/Music/mp3/">
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "music"
    Require group music

    Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymlinks
    AllowOverride Indexes
    MusicIndex On +Stream +Download +Search -Rss -Tarball
    MusicFields title artist length bitrate
    MusicPageTitle Media Library
    MusicDefaultCss musicindex.css
    MusicIndexCache file://tmp/music
    MusicDirPerLine 4
    MusicIceServer []:8000
    MusicCookieLife 300

The problem was that restarting Apache resulted in errors with some of those options. I found a small clue buried in the README for musicindex:

“The MusicIndex Option replaces altogether MusicLister, MusicAllowDownload, MusicAllowStream, MusicAllowSearch, and MusicAllowRss.”

Removing those options and replacing them with their new equivalents solved that problem.

Alias /music/ "/Media/Music/mp3/"
<Directory "/Media/Music/mp3/">
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "music"
    Require group music

    Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymlinks
    AllowOverride Indexes
    MusicIndex On +Stream +Download +Search -Rss -Tarball
    MusicSortOrder album disc track artist title length bitrate freq filetype filename uri
    MusicFields title artist album length bitrate
    MusicPageTitle Media Library
    MusicDefaultCss musicindex.css
    MusicIndexCache file://tmp/music
    MusicDirPerLine 4
    MusicIceServer []:8000
    MusicCookieLife 300

And that worked. But it was deathly slow to render a single directory of only a handful of music files. I tried to eek out more performance, but it was just too slow to be useful.

Then I found a reference in another forum thread of a replacement for mod_musicindex called “edna“, so I decided to download that and give it a try.

edna is a standalone Python script which listens on a port and can present your music collection in a very similar way to mod_musicindex, but it is VERY fast, and has quite a few additional features that mod_musicindex does not provide.

But… it’s Python, and I have a genetic distaste for anything written in that language. I played with it for quite awhile and walked around my music collection with it. One of the limitations of edna that I found (besides being written in Python) was that it required that album art be in a single, separate file stored in the same directory as the mp3 files. Since I painstakingly took the time to store each and every album cover in the mp3 files themselves, this was a no-go for me.

So I went back to mod_musicindex while I kept looking for alternatives. One of the quirks with mod_musicindex that I found, was its rendering of proper unicode characters. I jumped into the #apache IRC channel on Freenode to ask for some guidance with respect to “tricking” the right charset to be used (for example, Björk was showing up as B?ork) and one of the lurkers in #apache asked if I’d ever heard of “Ampache” before. I hadn’t, so I trundled over and installed a copy.

The installation was really clunky and challenging, and I had to go into the code at one point and gut out a check which was throwing an error, because it made assumptions about my Apache setup that were just not valid.

I installed that, configured it, added a “catalog” (what ampache calls a collection of your music) to begin navigating through the interface.

In doing so, I realized that there were still quite a few mp3 flies with the wrong ID3v2 metadata or missing/incorrect album covers.

So that’s where I am now. I’m using a combination of Ampache + TagTuner to go through my entire MP3 collection and “normalizing” all of the data in each file. It’s long and drawn out work, but ultimately beneficial, since I only have to do it once.

And when I get back on the train to NY again and “Shaggy” is working, I can show him this system and see if it would be useful for his own DJ rig or parties.

THAT, is yak shaving in the true sense and spirit of the term.

Information wants to be a ballerina

Funny quote of the day:

>>>> Information wants to be free!

>>> Information wants to be a ballerina!

>> Then information needs to get her fat ass on a diet or she's 
>> never going to fit into that tutu and make Mommy proud!

> That kind of parenting made information a heroine addicted 
> stripper, now come over here and rub your data against me 
> for a dollar.

Source: Slashdot Managing Last.FM’s “Mountain of Data”

WARNING! Do not install Lookeen and Xobni!

In my last post I wrote that I was comparing two third-party tools that are used to search and index Outlook content; Lookeen and Xobni.


After I was done testing them and uninstalled them cleanly, they each corrupted my Outlook.pst file in two different ways… and the SCANPST.EXE tool (shipped with Office 12) does not fix the corruption. I even tried Advanced Outlook Recovery and it couldn’t fix the damage either.

I replayed the damage from a clean, previously scanned version of a .pst file before and after installing, running and uninstalling these tools, and the corruption is reproducable (and produces an unusable, unrecoverable file).

Now I have to blow away the damaged .pst file and start from clean backups, restoring from my data exports. The data in my main “Personal Store” (.pst) file goes back 10 years, and has over 11,000 entries in it. Recovery is not a simple process.


External tools to search Microsoft Outlook 2007

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I’ve always been Linux and Open Source developer, supporter and user for as many years as I can remember. I’ve always sought to unify my personal space and environment starting with the tools available in the OSS community because they tend to fit my needs a LOT more than most of the proprietary vendor tools. The other benefit of using the OSS solution is
that if I run into a bug, I can either fix it myself or report it and have it fixed upstream very rapidly so everyone can take advantage of the fix.

But there really is no better calendaring solution that I’ve personally found in any flavor or OS than Microsoft Outlook 2007. Sure, it has its faults, as does any product of this level of complexity, but it works well and seems to suit my needs… and also allows me to quickly pull that information around to my other calendars (Work, Personal, Seryn, Holidays, Friends) and I can easily sync my Treo 680 to it to keep my various calendars fresh. I can also sync it to Google Calendar and export it to a CSV or XLS file for import into other incompatible systems.

However, the single biggest flaw that I’ve run into with Microsoft Outlook 2007 is the “Search” functionality. It is downright useless for anything other than taking up toolbar real-estate.

Granted, I’m spoiled by the power and simple flexibility of Google’s search. I’ve never, not even once, needed to go beyond Page 1 of any Google Search Results (SERPs). When I get results, I look at the quality, then tweak my search accordingly and re-submit. I don’t page through multiple pages until I see what I want.

Outlook doesn’t even correctly search all of the words you put into the search box. For example, if you received a message that included a subject of: “::trap id::820 (Server online) ...” and searched for “Server online” (without quotes), you get results that include the word “Server” and results that include the word “online”. If you use quotes (a Google thing), you get 0 results. If you search for “trap id”, you get 0 results. Well that’s just helpful.

I won’t ramble on about the multiple hundreds of other searches that I can clearly see results for in my Inbox, which Outlook quietly ignores… there are plenty. The Outlook search not only sucks, it’s flat-out broken. I don’t see Microsoft spending any time fixing this any time soon.

Enter third-party search tools to the rescue!

I found this thread on a quick Google search for better search tools for Outlook. The results of that thread boiled down to two leading tools:

  1. Xobni (“Inbox” spelled backwards)
  2. Lookeen

I decided to give them both a thorough test drive and see which one would suit my needs. I pointed both of these plugins to three email accounts I have configured in Outlook 2007 on my laptop, including one that is very-much littered with attachments of every kind and variety, thousands of calendar items, meetings, and two Gmail accounts… one of them with over 300,000 separate emails in it stretching back 10 years. Believe me, these plugins are going to get a serious workout!

One important thing to note is that my work Outlook instance inside the corporate firewall (also Outlook 2007) is so locked down that I can’t install any add-ons into it. In fact, the whole machine is so locked-down that I can’t even double-click the clock in the corner to see the mini-calendar or add a printer or change the desktop wallpaper or screensaver! At work, I’m stuck with the default, broken-by-design Outlook 2007 search. Since that one uses Exchange, it’s even slower than my local Outlook 2007 instance running inside VMware on my laptop.


First, the bugs and negative points:

  • Slow, slow slow!
  • Requires installing itself as a Windows service which runs all the time, not just when Outlook is running. The problem here is that I keep all of my Outlook data files password-protected (for obvious reasons), and when Outlook isn’t running, the service fires up to index the Outlook data and prompts me for a password. Very inefficient, and doing so loads Outlook, which I do not always want.
  • No advanced search (this thing -“not this one” +that)
  • Broken search when using punctuation (search for “DBD::Sybase”, for example)
  • Seems to incessantly try to get to the net to look up photos, Facebook profiles, LinkIn profiles and so on with no way to disable it. Inside the corporate LAN, none of these sites are accessible, and it drags the search to a crawl, as it attempts to contact those sites and times out.
  • Related to the last item, disabling those “Third-party Extensions” (as Xobni calls them), does not remove the buttons for those extensions from the UI, so they are still accessible to be clicked, they still attempt to query the net, and they are still visible on the GUI.
  • Nasty bug when backspacing to the beginning of the search box and then typing again. 100% reproducible and annoying. I basically have to type at 1/3 the speed to stop it from triggering the bug. Unacceptable.
  • Minimizing the Xobni sidebar uses a minimize widget that sits on the bottom of the bar, completely out of place from the » chevrons for minimizing other widgets which are at the top of each of their respective sidebars.
  • Minor nit: The Xobni skin/theme doesn’t match the Outlook skin/theme, so it stands out like a sore thumb and looks like a clunky “bolt-on” rather than an enhancement. If you have the folder tree, Inbox, message preview, Xobni and Task bar all displayed in 4 vertical columns.. the Xobni one (3rd column) really sticks out. In fact, when you minimize the sidebar, it goes from a black/dark skin when exposed, to the proper, Outlook-compatible color theme/skin when minimized. It’s not consistent. Even the size of the chevrons differs in the minimized and maximized versions of that sidebar.

The good points:

  • Free as in beer
  • Lots of great features that no other search or plugin I’ve found has (“network”, statistics, attachments widget)
  • Relatively fast searching and display of results, including a hover preview mode


The bugs and negative points:

  • Everything is in a popup window, nothing docks with Outlook itself (like Xobni does, for example). Popups are sometimes ok because they can be minimized and moved out of the way, but in this case, having the search results side-by-side with the actual content would be better.
  • Can’t remove searches to re-edit them (changing “Search This” to “Search this” (letter case changes) are ignored when you type them, but are Case Sensitive in the actual search results). Ideally I should be able to expand the search history and hit Delete on each one like I can with the search history in a web browser. I can clear the whole search history, but that’s an all or nothing operation. I can’t delete bogus searches, leaving the others there (which might be frequently-used searches)
  • $39.80/USD price tag. While I have no problem paying this for a functional plugin, there are quite a few niggling things that don’t justify that cost at this point.

The good points:

  • A LOT faster than Xobni. I mean a LOT. Searching is faster, indexing is faster, everything is faster.
  • Between the two, Lookeen handles all sorts of attachments much better and visually represents them in a way that is very quick and easy to visually filter in or out what you’re looking for, IMO. It also has a “Conversations” button in several places that makes zooming into a relevant conversation from a highlighted message or user very quick. Additionally, you can go from 1 day, 1 week, month of conversations to further narrow your search results and scope. Very well thought-out.
  • Lookeen docks in the toolbar, which has a few advantages, while Xobni docks in the sidebar (and based on its featureset, leverages slightly different advantages there)

The Conclusion

Ultimately, I’ll probably continue to use Lookeen, because it does what it advertises to do much better… searching and finding. Yes, their implementation of searching is a bit “clunky” with the popup windows instead of docking against Outlook, but I can deal with that for now. The graphical slowness and constant “Internet poking” that Xobni does completely negates any benefits it provides with the statistics and grouping of messages and search results.

I’m still looking for other options that Lookeen and Xobni provide. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I’m all ears.

Submitting Tasks to Tracks via Email

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I’ve recently installed Tracks on my server to help me manage my myriad of tasks, projects and timelines utilizing the GTD methodology created by David Allen.

After installing it on my server I almost immediately noticed that Ruby and Rails was going to have a problem coexisting with my very tweaked Apache instances (running roughly 300 separate websites).

I found a project called Passenger, and immediately got that working with Tracks running on top of it. No fuss, no muss.

But one problem with Tracks that I’ve found (well, one of several, none of them showstoppers), is that you can’t interact with Tracks any other way other than the web interface. The interface is nice and clean and slick, but I don’t always have access to the web where I am.. and that limits the functionality of Tracks for me. I do, however… have access to some sort of email account everywhere I go.

So I whipped up a quick little script to allow me to send email to Tracks and have it post Tasks in the right contexts and on the right due dates for me.

Here’s the code for that:

#        _._   
#       /_ _`.      (c) 2008, David A. Desrosiers
#       (.(.)|      setuid at
#       |\_/'|   
#       )____`\     Email to Tracks interface
#      //_V _\ \ 
#     ((  |  `(_)   If you find this useful, please drop me 
#    / \> '   / \   an email, or send me bug reports if you find
#    \  \.__./  /   problems with it. I accept PayPal too! =-)
#     `-'    `-' 
# License
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
# Temple Place
# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Email format can be any of the following:
#       Subject: The main description of the Task
#       @Context
#       01/02/2003
#       This is my note text
# or:
#       Subject: Default Task description
#       c: @context
#       d: 2008/12/31
#       n: The note text to insert
# Most valid date formats are accepted, and this will do its best to
# "correct" and normalize them. You can also prefix your lines with the
# modifiers above, or read the regexes below for more. For example: 
# c:, context:, cxt:, con:, ct: are all valid prefixes for "context"
# n: and note: are all valid prefixes for "notes", and so on.
use strict;
use XML::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI::Escape;
use Email::Abstract;
use Date::Manip;
use Date::Parse;
use Data::Dumper; 

my $url                 = "";
my $contextUrl          = "";

# The default contextid where you want the todo added
# SELECT id,name FROM contexts;
my $contextid           = "8";

my $user                = "yourname";
my $password            = "yourpass";

# Leave these tokens alone.  They are valid as of Tracks 1.5 RESTful API.
my %todo = map { +($_ => "todo[$_]") } qw(notes context_id description due);

# Get the context legend in order to match by name
my $ua                  = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $req                 = new HTTP::Request 'GET',$contextUrl;
my $res                 = $ua->request($req);
my $contexts            = XMLin($res->content);

# Split apart the email into Subject and Body
my $message             = do { local $/; <STDIN> };
my $email               = Email::Abstract->new($message);
my $subject             = $email->get_header("Subject");
my $body                = $email->get_body;

# These can probably be cleaned up a bit
my ($context_line)      = $body =~ /^(?:c:|ct:|cxt:|con:|context:|@)\s*(.+)$/mi;
my ($date_line)         = $body =~ /^(?:d:|date:)\s*(\d.*)$/m;
$date_line              = UnixDate(ParseDate("today"), "%g") if (length($date_line) == 0);
my $time                = str2time($date_line);
my $due_date            = UnixDate(scalar gmtime($time), "%m/%d/%Y");
my ($note_line)         = $body =~ /^(?:n:|note:)\s*(.*?)$/mi; 

# Concatenate the data here before we send POST to the Tracks server
my $post_data = 
        $todo{'context_id'} . "=" . $contextid . "&" . 
        $todo{'description'}. "=" . uri_escape($subject) . "&" . 
        $todo{'notes'} . "=" . uri_escape($note_line) . "&" . 
        $todo{'due'} . "=" . uri_escape($due_date);

# Use LWP to do the posting ($ua was created earlier)
$req = new HTTP::Request 'POST',$url;
$res = $ua->request($req);

You can send emails in the format in the comments above to your Tracks install and it will create Tasks for you. I could refactor those regexes a bit, and that’s a task on my list, but so far, this works…

Emails look like this:

Subject: Update regexes in Tracks perl email interface
From: "David A. Desrosiers" <desrod at>
To: 2e59561d76 at
Content-Type: text/plain
Message-Id: <1228182961.14783.123.camel at>
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Evolution 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2008 20:56:02 -0500
X-Evolution-Format: text/plain

c: @Internet
d: 12/15/2008
n: Clean up the regexes that processes email-based Tracks tasks

Set it up in your MTA as an alias, as follows:

2e59561d76:                         "|/path/to/"

Make sure you re-run newaliases(1) after adding this entry:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/newaliases
/etc/mail/aliases: 248 aliases, longest 82 bytes, 15141 bytes total

I tried to make it smart enough to figure out most common (valid please) date formats and if you omit that, it just sets it to today’s date so you can change it later.

The next step is to figure out how to make this script multi-user aware, without forcing users to expose their username or password in email directly. I have some ideas for that and will test that in v1.1 of this script and release it later on.

The Tracks Forums are pretty busy and lots of people are beating up the code, testing it in many different ways. I’m just trying to contribute back in whatever way I can.. in the hopes that the project continues to thrive and grow.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, let me know!

Querying the health of your domain and DNS


I run a lot of domains for clients, Open Source projects and my own pet projects… and keeping them all registered, updated and proper zone files for forward and reverse DNS can be complicated. I run my own DNS, and would never trust a third-party to do it again. I used to use a third-party to manage my DNS, but their web-based system was clunky and wasn’t as fast as I needed it to be.

But checking the quality of your DNS records is another matter entirely. For example, there’s a huge difference between writing HTML, and writing valid HTML. This is why HTML validation exists.

Likewise, there is also a need for “DNS validation”. Enter DNS health and checking tools.

Previously, I used a free service called “DNS Report” from DNS Stuff, and it worked great… but decided to go non-free, and requires subscription to get to the same report data that they used to provide gratis. Seems that whenever someone feels they can charge for something, they do.

I’ve been seeking out another alternative, something free and full-featured. There are quite a few, and some are shady… but here’s the list I’ve found, along with my personal review of their “quality”:


This is a no-frills DNS checking service. It basically gives you a quick rundown of your domain through the root servers, your local nameservers, the version correlation (making sure the serial in your zone file matches), your webserver and your mail server.

Pros: It just works, plain-jane simple. I wish it had more detail like the ability to check reverse DNS, traceroute, check route status, rate the speed to resolve DNS queries and so on.

Cons: No suggestions for resolving anything marked as an issue or conflict. If you know DNS inside and out, the errors are obvious, but if you don’t… it can be cryptic. For example, my mailserver is greylisting all incoming connections, so it will return a 421 response instead of the expected 250 response. Their incoming probe looks like the following to my DNS server:

Nov 30 15:53:15 neptune sm-mta[11904]: mAUKrEPP011904: Milter: from=, reject=421 4.3.2 graylisted - please try again later


Pros: Simple and fast. The results it returns are very similar and almost identical to the ones provided by DNSReport. Here is one example against one of my most heavily-hit domains;

Cons: No real details on how to fix the issues it reports. It may report that your SOA refresh is not correct, but lacks any recommendations on how to fix it (i.e. increase/decrease the timeout, etc.)


Pros: Fast, clean and tests a lot of various bits about your DNS: SOA, coherence, serial, illegal characters, ip-to-ns matching and so on. Very thorough.

Cons: While it is powerful, the resulting report isn’t exactly the most user-friendly, and the initial interface is… well, clunky as well.

Here’s a sample of the output from one of my domains:

     Testing: misused '@' characters in SOA contact name (IP=
     Testing: illegal characters in SOA contact name (IP=
     Testing: serial number of the form YYYYMMDDnn (IP=
     Testing: SOA 'expire' between 1W and 6W (IP=
     Testing: SOA 'minimum' between 3M and 1W (IP=
     Testing: SOA 'refresh' between 1H and 2D (IP=
     Testing: SOA 'retry' between 15M and 1D (IP=
     Testing: SOA 'retry' lower than 'refresh' (IP=
     Testing: SOA 'expire' at least 7 times 'refresh' (IP=
     Testing: SOA master is not an alias (IP=
     Testing: behaviour against AAAA query (IP=
     Testing: coherence between SOA and ANY records (IP=
     Testing: SOA record present (IP=
     Testing: SOA authoritative answer (IP=
     Testing: coherence of serial number with primary nameserver (IP=
     Testing: coherence of administrative contact with primary nameserver (IP=
     Testing: coherence of master with primary nameserver (IP=
     Testing: coherence of SOA with primary nameserver (IP=
     Testing: NS record present (IP=
     Testing: NS authoritative answer (IP=
     Testing: given primary nameserver is primary (IP=

And the results from that:

Test results
  ---- warning ----
   w: Reverse for the nameserver IP address doesn't match

   w: [TEST delegated domain is not an open relay]: Mail error (Unexpected closing of connection)
     * generic

   w: [TEST can deliver email to 'postmaster']: Mail error (Unexpected closing of connection)
     * generic

   w: [TEST domain of the hostmaster email is not an open relay]: Mail error (Unexpected closing of connection)
     * generic

  ---- fatal ----

   f: [TEST can deliver email to hostmaster]: Mail error (Unexpected closing of connection)
     * generic

Final status

   FAILURE (and 5 warning(s))

Network Tools

Pros: You get what you get. Just information, in a raw, unstructured way.

Cons: Clunky, inconsistent GUI, information returned is returned haphazardly, in a very unstructured and unintuitive way.


Pros: Lots of tools to check the health of your domain, dns, dns records, IP, routing and so on.

Cons: Bad colors and an unstructured user experience.

The UI could use a bit of work and the blue and white is a bit painful on the eyes, but you get what you get. They’re basically using OSS and other tools under the hood to make this work (dig, in at least one case). This could leave them subject to some interesting exploits.

DNS Tools from Domain Tools

Pros: It is what it is, another plain-jane DNS query service. It allows you to ping, traceroute and report on the zone records for the domain you enter.

Cons: Too basic, not very useful above and beyond what I can do on my own from my own server.

This one, like some of the others, just wraps common OSS tools to query DNS records, and presents them in an unstructured, “raw” format. No attempts to make any suggestions or recommendations to any issues that are reported.

Free DNS Report

This looks suspiciously-similar to DNS Report’s older UI. Some have suggested that this is a scam site, harvesting domains for parking or hijacking by poisoning the DNS of misconfigured domains. Mine domains are fine and secured, so I don’t mind testing them through this.

Pros: They actually do provide some basic recommendations to help resolve issues that are reported.

Cons: Not enough detail or depth on the DNS, zone, MX or domain itself. It is about 1/4 of what dnsreport was.

You Get Signal

Pros: Positive marks for the most-unique and humorous domain name. You can do ping, visual traceroute, reverse domain lookups, port-forwarding tester and so on. Not as full-featured as some of the others, but the information provided is somewhat structured in nature.

Cons: They made some good attempts at structure and visual appeal. They could use a bit more polish and more tools to round out the “suite” they provide, but it is what it is. The interface does “overlap” in places, tucking the output underneath other bits of the HTML and the maps, but you can select the text in your browser and paste it elsewhere to read it if you want.


While a lot of the tools make attempts to provide what you need to make sure your domains, MX, IP, routing and so on is correct, none of them really match what dnsreport used to provide for free. If I had to choose one out of the list above, I would choose intoDNS for First Place and CheckDNS for a close Second Place.

Ultimately, I may just write my own to do this, and make it spiffy. That’s the worst part about being in “First Place” (as dnsreport was): It’s easy to see where you missed the market, and open up a field for competition to dive in and take it from you.

I did something similar for my SEO keyword analysis tool. I was so frustrated with the inferior, broken alternatives out there… that I just wrote my own. Free, gratis, go play and have fun. It works for me and that’s why I wrote it.

Convert your Ogg Vorbis files to mp3


First, I know you’re going to ask why you’d want to go from a high-quality VBR format like Ogg Vorbis to the paltry, low-quality mp3 format… and to that I have one word: Apple.

Apple saw fit in their infinite wisdom to NOT support the freely-available and license/patent free Ogg Vorbis audio format in their iPod and iPhone devices. Instead, they support the proprietary, licensed, restrictive mp3 formats instead.

The near-sightedness of commercial companies never ceases to amaze me.

To solve that, you can convert your oggs to mp3 (obviously, keeping the original .ogg files for your personal library), using the following one-liner (separated into multiple lines for ease of explanation):

for i in *.ogg; do 
[[ ! -a "${i%ogg}mp3" ]] && 
oggdec "$i" -o - | lame --preset standard - "${i%ogg}mp3" ; 

Now you can drag those mp3 files onto iTunes and sync them to your iPod or iPhone device. I much prefer SongBird on Windows and amaroK on Linux over iTunes, but… some may not have that option.

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