FIXED: There was a problem reading data from the server and BlackBerry App World must exit. Error type: 100002

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 at 10:03 am | 9,178 views | trackback url

I’ve been getting an annoying error message lately on my BlackBerry Bold 9700 every time I go to BlackBerry App World and try to read the Reviews for an application I’m interested in. The error message is:

"There was a problem reading data from the server and BlackBerry App World must exit. Error type: 100002"

BlackBerry App World error 100002 BlackBerry App World version details

According to BlackBerry Technical Solutions Center Knowledgebase article KB21648, the fix is non-obvious, but with version 1.XXXXXXX.0.33, AppWorld “Reviews” do not work at all when reading them over Wi-Fi. The problem is with XML parsing over Wi-Fi connections. Why the same parsing over 3G works, I don’t personally know.

Yes it’s a completely weird problem and a bug, but the “solution” is to disable Wi-Fi if you want to read Reviews of applications in BlackBerry App World. The rest of the app functions fine using Wi-Fi, just not Reviews.

BlackBerry App World reviews working

Last Modified: Sunday, March 6th, 2016 @ 03:39

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