Cold Weather and Bad Networks

Thursday, September 30th, 2004 at 9:50 pm | 1,316 views | trackback url

There’s so much to be done around these months… holidays seem to be more closely packed together.. family and friends seems to be ever-present, and with the cold setting in, that means fixing up any leaky entrances in the house, windows, and getting the fireplace in order for the long, long, long cold winter in New England. You see, we have three seasons here… June, July, and Winter.

Orkut Network

I’ve also been getting tired of Orkut timing out and failing on me. They should have worked out the scaling issues, but now its worse than ever! It takes me about 30 attempts to get to
the main page, another 20-30 reloads to get to the Communities page, and so on. I get all manner of “Bad Donut”, “No data” and other errors before I’m actually shown real content.

Consider that network a failed attempt at a social network… or maybe a successful attempt at how not to build a social network. I can’t help but think that their use of .Net and ASP on Microsoft servers is giving them the most performance grief. Blackbox servers with 40% of their processing and memory going to support an unused GUI environment… is not a way to run a server.

Last Modified: Thursday, September 30th, 2004 @ 21:50

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