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Tags: beta
The GPL case continues
“If we end up in court, I will bankrupt these guys.”
That’s the latest we’ve heard from James Fisher at $COMPANY. It was the first of two official threats from them. Apparently because they have “investor money”, they think they can just ignore US Copyright Law and the GPL. I can’t say more on this right now, pending our investigation. Lawyers and the community is involved, backing us up 100%.
Laptop Death
After all that mess with eBay and my shiny new laptop, now it’s dead and needs to be serviced. Luckily for me (so far), in the absence of a receipt, the warantee is still valid for 3 more years.
Plucker News
The new Plucker site is coming along very well, now that I realized I needed to manually load Apache::Table. Without it, Apache::Request and mod_perl would randomly “forget” %vars, and cache data between requests. Now it’s all working well. Version 1.2 is being beta’d now, the new site launch should be soon before the official announcement of the 1.2 Plucker release.
We will be selling some shwag from the site soon to show our support of the community, and in the hopes that they can show their support of us. We may also need the funds to help fund attorneys in our defense of the GPL violations we’ve been dealing with.
Status: None.
Triathlon Training
Training goes well, but deadlines have slowed this down a bit. I need to get back on the road, with a road bike soon. I’m addicted to the mileage now. I feel the years of mileage coming back, legs and lungs feel more powerful than ever.
I’m very impressed with how much E has taken onto the sport, having never bicycled competitively before. It’s going to be my turn soon.. competitive running. Ug.