9/11/2001, A Day We Will Never Forget

Saturday, September 11th, 2004 at 8:39 am | 3,129 views | trackback url

Many lives were lost, many emotions poured out, and many families ruined. Our lives will never be the same. On this day, we take the time to remember the lives that were given to keep our country safe and our children’s lives safe. This was not a choice they had to make, it was made for them.

Remembering the World Trade Center event

Today is the 3rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. It is a time of mourning, and of retrospection. I’d like to give something back, to help educate those who may not know the details surrounding the events of 9/11.

As many of you may already know, I have taken the 567-page 9/11 Commission Report (in PDF format), and converted it BY HAND to validated XHTML.

In the process I corrected several thousand punctuation mistakes, mis-hyphenated words, and the flow of the document in general. The content itself was not changed, just the way it was presented. The goal was to make the document readable on portable and handheld devices.

I also added a linked TOC, mini-TOC for each chapter, and cross-linked every annotation and footnote in the original document. I also reformatted the output itself, to better display on mobile devices, such as PalmOS
handhelds. There are a lot of other changes here that make the document much more readable on handheld devices. The information contained within, is far too important to disregard or be lost in a huge PDF on a .gov website.

From this base, I converted it to Plucker format, and then again to iSilo format. You can see all three versions here:

Plucker format

iSilo mobile format

Converted XHTML

Both of the mobile versions are available on MemoWare and Palmgear as well (these links go right to the reports themselves on these sites).

Please feel free to download, redistribute, share, and link to this version as much as you’d like (of course, if you do, please make sure to give me credit, where credit is due, as supported by US Copyright law). If I’ve missed any relevant newsgroups, forums, blogs, or websites please repost/forward this post there.

It is the only version of this document indexable by search engines and the like. It is also much more useful than the original, being heavily cross-linked within itself. I put a LOT of work into this to make it a professional work. Please respect the amount of time I’ve spent on it, by not hijacking it without crediting me.

Thanks everyone. I hope you enjoy the work. Please let me know if you’d like any additions, features, or other versions converted for other platforms.

Last Modified: Saturday, September 11th, 2004 @ 08:39

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