Plucker is not dead, new things are coming…

Friday, September 28th, 2007 at 11:41 am | 1,677 views | trackback url

2007-09-27: Press Release: New Plucker website released with lots of new features

New Plucker Website!!!

The Plucker website has been around for many, many years (since 2001), and it has been through many different iterations with varying levels of usability and features.

The last version of the website was reported by many users to be “too complicated” and in some cases, confusing (the download page was one example).

I’ve taken some time to clean up the site, layered the options on the download page, changed all of the wording to make things much clearer, and added some new features.

With this new site, you’ll notice that the new download section has been streamlined and broken into separate sections for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, as well as other sections.

I’ve also added a new section to the samples section. Now you can download many of the most-popular Project Gutenberg ebooks in Plucker format (as well as text and HTML versions).

Don’t forget to read the “An Open Source Success Story: A History of Plucker“, which includes an interview from the original author of Plucker, Mark Lillywhite.

I’ve started a “blog” called “Plucker Projects” (or “Plucker Workshop”) that showcases many of the custom Plucker documents and works I’ve been creating over the last few years. Visit the site and take a look!

There’s a few more very exciting features I’m building to add to the website that everyone will want to use. I’ll launch those very soon.. stay tuned!

Last Modified: Friday, September 28th, 2007 @ 11:41

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