Lots of Random Fu

Saturday, July 7th, 2001 at 12:00 am | 1,595 views | trackback url

jjshoe, that would be me, on irc. Welcome to advogato.

Lots of new things


    New Plucker release today. This one adds Gesture support. Good work Mike and Robert O’Connor.

    We still need perl coders to pick up the perl parser and get it working again. Any takers?


    I managed to get ViewCVS’ annotation fixed so now the anchors work. You can see an example of it here. Note the line-by-line annotation and anchors. Nice. I hope gstein rolls the fix I emailed him into the upstream. I also changed the icons a bit and dressed up the layout and navigation a bit more. I’m moving them all into their own builds of ViewCVS now, so there’s no project-based dropdown. You can see two versions of it here and here or here.


    NSI has finally decided to fix my domain after 52 emails, 11 phone calls, 4 faxes and 5 weeks of nagging.

    Now I can move the domain off onto the other box, and unplug the hardware.


Big 3-OH

    Flying back east to spend my 30th birthday with my girlfriend. I’ll be on the clock, but it’ll be good to get away from this whitewalled prison for awhile and see her again (only $200 on a 1-week notice too for the tickets, not bad).


    Isn’t this purty!. The images are generated dynamically from the cgi.

    I’m testing out a package called aWebVisit. It’s pretty nice for really getting into the guts of who is visiting your site. I’d like to take this codebase and modify it a bit to handle my cvs logs and history. Being able to visually see the progress of projects inside the CVS would be a great asset.

    I’m sure now that I’ve mentioned it, someone will try to steal it. Mine! You saw it here first!

echo $PS1

    Well, since everyone else is in the prompt wars, here are two of my entries:

    declare -x PS1="C:\\\\\W> "

    (yes, it’s a joke, but imagine ssh’ing into a remote machine and getting this!)


    export PS1="[\[\033[11m\[\033[0;36m\t\d\[\033[11m\[\033[0;40m]\n[\[\033[11m\[\033[0;36m\#\[\033[11m\[\033[0;40m]


    This needs a few more minutes of care to read ~/.cvspass and $CVSROOT out of the environment, but you get the
    idea (and yes, it’s for bash):

            local cur prev
            if [ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ] || [[ "$prev" == -* ]];
                    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'add admin    \
                                   checkout commit ci diff  \
                                   export history import    \
                                   log rdiff release remove \
                                   rtag status              \
                                   tag update' $cur ))
                    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f $cur ))
            return 0
    complete -F _cvs cvs

    vi mode in bash really rocks. It’s forcing me to learn more about vi than I could using it strictly as an editor. Still fumbling a bit.


    Tired of my music. Tired of my 14.4k dialup bandwidth on a 56k modem and my ISP blocking every port except 22 and 80 (inbound and outbound are blocked). Tired of this prison cell in South San Francisco.

    Just… tired.

    But I think I’m getting better at things. That’s a plus. Just things in general. Headaches still abound, quite a few chest pains, but nothing as severe as “The First One(tm)” several weeks ago. I’m instructed to ingest Advil like M&M’s now though. Ugh.

    This just needs to be mentioned, since over the past two days, I’ve been feeling my whole apartment “wiggle”. Today, so far, we’ve had 24 earthquakes in California and surrounding areas. You can keep up on the results at USGS.

    Quite interesting to see that we’re getting more-frequent incidents of higher-magnitude earthquakes this week. We’ve had 17 quakes exceed the 3.0 Richter rating since 6/30/2001. That’s unusually high.

Last Modified: Saturday, July 7th, 2001 @ 00:00

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