HOWTO: Fix the broken “Open Terminal Here” menu icon in XFCE
Monday, September 23rd, 2013 at 5:37 pm
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If you’re using XFCE, specifically version 4, you’ve probably seen this issue come up a few times. It looks like this:
The fix is pretty simple and straightforward. Here’s how:
- Go up to your “Applications Menu” and choose “File Manager”. This will launch your configured, default file manager (most-likely Thunar, unless you’ve changed something).
- Choose “Configure Custom Actions” from the “Edit” menu, as shown here:
- Now select the “Open Terminal Here” option, and click the “Edit” button (looks like a little pencil and paper)
- Now you’ll see a screen where you can change/edit your custom action’s metadata, including its display icon. Click the broken icon image to change it to something reasonable.
- Once you choose an icon, click “Ok” to save it. I chose something that looked like a terminal session icon. You can choose whatever you wish that fits your needs. Once you save it, you’ll see it show up in the metadata screen like this:
- Now you can click “Ok”, and “Close” on the previous dialog box to save the changes you’ve made.
But wait! The icon hasn’t changed yet! You’re probably still seeing a broken icon on the menu. There’s one more thing you need to do…
- To refresh those cached-in-memory icons, you have to either log out and back in, or.. kill the desktop. I prefer the latter, so simply open a terminal, and run the following command:
$ killall xfdesktop
That’s it. Now if you right-click, you’ll see your shiny new icon show up on the menu, no more broken icon!
Hopefully that helps!