Executioner Paperback Series Missing Issues Wanted

Sunday, February 24th, 2002 at 12:00 am | 1,519 views | trackback url

I have been unboxing my belongings here, and one of the boxes has my collection of Executioner paperback books in it. I used to read these when I was in my teens. I have quite a few in the series, except the following missing issues.

If anyone has these missing issues and is willing to part with them, please contact me, and I will gladly pay for the shipping/etc. to obtain them.

#07: Assault on Soho
#10: Carribian Kill
#15: Panic in Philly
#17: Jersey Guns
#20: New Orleans Knockout
#22: Hawaiian Hellground
#23: St. Louis Showdown
#31: Arizona Ambush
#41: The Violent Streets
#43: Return to Vietnam
#47: Renegade Agent
#49: Doomsday Disciples
#52: Tuscany Terror
#53: The Invisible Assasins
#55: Paradine’s Gauntlet
#56: Island Deathtrap
#58: Ambush on Blood River
#59 through #74
#76 through “N

I also have several issues of Phoenix Force, The Destroyer, The Butcher, S.O.B’s, and Able Team. If anyone has these books lying around collecting dust in their basement, let me know. I want to read them again from start to finish.

Busy weekend, cleaning up around here, building a new desk. Lots of construction and deconstruction going on.

Last Modified: Sunday, February 24th, 2002 @ 00:00

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