Archive for March, 2012

SOLVED: Correctly working pinch/zoom and multitouch gestures in Firefox on Mac OS X

Firefox for MacI’ve recently been moving the bulk of my personal and professional productivity needs (software, analog, digital) over to my OS X machine. Linux is my main OS and will be for awhile, but there is a distinct lack of efficient, well-written, intuitive software for Linux, so I’m bridging the gap right now by using OS X on the Mac.

One of the tools I use every day happens to be very cross-platform compatible; Firefox.

I need a working browser to get the bulk of my work done on a day-to-day basis and I prefer Firefox over any other, because of the speed, power and flexibility through the use of extensions. Nothing beats Firefox for this; not Chrome, not Safari, not Opera and certainly not MSIE.

The Mac has some interesting UI optimizations, one of which is “pinch zoom”. This basically means you can take two fingers, put them on the Touchpad or Magic Mouse (if you have one), and pull them together (pinch) or slide them apart (zoom) to zoom in or out on an app or a window. This comes in quite handy for webpages, Flash images and other things.

However, Firefox for Mac, doesn’t support these out of the box. It took a little bit of searching, but I found the solution! Enter about:config to the rescue!

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